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Hugh Parsons


Everlasting classical themes open in new modern way in exquisite fragrances by Hugh Parsons. The brand Hugh Parsons has a long history, which began in 1925. Hugh Parsons Fragrances belong to London; they are full of its spirit and its essence: all the fragrances are inspired by the most legendary spots, neighborhoods and streets all over London. Having spent his youth in the English army, Mr. Hugh Edward Lancelot Parsons was fascinated by officers' uniforms and accessories. And this enthusiasm inspired him to found in London, 99 Regent Street, his own company, representing himself as a manufacturer of silk ties and accessories using his "unquestionable style". His collections, his products soon found themselves in leading boutiques in Britain, USA and Europe. In manufacture Hugh Parsons preferred using precious raw materials and the finest fabrics combined with sophisticated design and colors, and thereat he applied particular technique of finishing for all its creations. This approach to manufacture helped to quickly gain popularity and authority among refined style enthusiasts. Nowadays the Hugh Parsons brand continues to represent style, elegance, and refined details. Its fans are the customers who prefer classic style in innovation interpretation.  The luxury niche perfumes by Hugh Parsons are embodied the sophisticated philosophy classical London style. The development of the Hugh Parsons fragrances emulates the Parsons? historical quest for the finest fabrics in their production of silk ties, by seeking out the best and most precious raw materials to be used in the perfumery. In perfume manufacture Hugh Parsons stay to stand to their principals: using high-quality raw ingredients and the he refined attention to detail.

"London, where the charm blends
with everyday life, modernity
with tradition"

Exquisite niche fragrances by Hugh Parsons are available here in online shop as well as in our same-named perfumery store in Cologne.

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